Reconciling changes made outside of TPA v23

Any changes made to a TPA created cluster that are not performed by changing the TPA configuration will not be saved in config.yml. This means that your cluster will have changes that the TPA configuration won't be able to recreate.

This page shows how configuration is managed with TPA and the preferred ways to make configuration changes. We then look at strategies to make, and reconcile, the results of making manual changes to the cluster.

Why might I need to make manual configuration changes?

The most common scenario in which you may need to make configuration changes outside of TPA is if the operation you are performing is not supported by TPA. The two most common such operations are destructive changes, such as removing a node, and upgrading the major version of Postgres.

Destructive changes

In general TPA will not remove previously deployed elements of a cluster, even if these are removed from config.yml. This sometimes surprises people because a strictly declarative system should always mutate the deployed artifacts to match the declaration. However, making destructive changes to production database can have serious consequences so it is something we have chosen not to support.

Major-version Postgres upgrades

TPA does not yet provide an automated mechanism for performing major version upgrades of Postgres. Therefore if you need to perform an in-place upgrade on an existing cluster this must be performed using other tools such as pg_upgrade or pgd node upgrade.

What can happen if changes are not reconciled?

A general issue with unreconciled changes is that if you deploy a new cluster using your existing config.yml, or provide your config.yml to EDB Support in order to reproduce a problem, it will not match the original cluster. In addition, there is potential for operational problems should you wish to use TPA to manage that cluster in future.

The operational impact of unreconciled changes varies depending on the nature of the changes. In particular whether the change is destructive, and whether the change blocks TPA from running by causing an error or invalidating the data in config.yml.

Non-destructive, non-blocking changes

Additive changes are often accommodated with no immediate operational issues. Consider manually adding a user. The new user will continue to exist and cause no issues with TPA at all. You may prefer to manage the user through TPA in which case you can declare it in config.yml but the existence of a manually-added user will cause no operational issues.

Some manual additions can have more nuanced effects. Take the example of an extension which has been manually added. Because TPA does not make destructive changes, the extension will not be removed when tpaexec deploy is next run. However, if you made any changes to the Postgres configuration to accommodate the new extension these may be overwritten if you did not make them using one of TPA's supported mechanisms (see below).

Furthermore, TPA will not make any attempt to modify the config.yml file to reflect manual changes and the new extension will be omitted from tpaexec upgrade which could lead to incompatible software versions existing on the cluster.

Destructive, non-blocking changes

Destructive changes that are easily detected and do not block TPA's operation will simply be undone when tpaexec deploy is next run. Consider manually removing an extension. From the perspective of TPA, this situation is indistinguishable from the user adding an extension to the config.yml file and running deploy. As such, TPA will add the extension such that the cluster and the config.yml are reconciled, albeit in the opposite way to that the user intended.

Similarly, changes made manually to configuration parameters will be undone unless they are:

  1. Made in the conf.d/9999-override.conf file reserved for manual edits;
  2. Made using ALTER SYSTEM SQL; or
  3. Made natively in TPA by adding postgres_conf_settings.

Other than the fact that option 3 is self-documenting and portable, there is no pressing operational reason to reconcile changes made by method 1 or 2.

Destructive, blocking changes

Changes which create a more fundamental mismatch between config.yml can block TPA from performing operations. For example if you physically remove a node in a bare metal cluster, attempts by TPA to connect to that node will fail, meaning most TPA operations will exit with an error and you will be unable to manage the cluster with TPA until you reconcile this difference.

How to reconcile configuration changes

In general, the reconciliation process involves modifying config.yml such that it describes the current state of the cluster and then running tpaexec deploy.

Example: parting a PGD node

Deploy a minimal PGD cluster using the bare architecture and a configure command such as:

tpaexec configure mycluster \
-a PGD-Always-ON \
--platform bare \
--edbpge 15 \
--location-names a \
--pgd-proxy-routing local

Part a node using this SQL, which can be executed from any node:

select * from bdr.part_node('node-2');

Rerun deploy. Note that, whilst no errors occur, the node is still parted. This can be verified using the command pgd show-nodes on any of the nodes. This is because TPA will not overwrite the metadata which tells PGD the node is parted.


It is not possible to reconcile the config.yml with this cluster state because TPA, and indeed PGD itself, has no mechanism to initiate a node in the 'parted' state. In principle you could continue to use TPA to continue this parted cluster, but this is not advisable. In most cases you will wish to continue to fully remove the node and reconcile config.yaml.

Example: removing a PGD node completely

The previous example parted a node from the PGD cluster, but left the node itself intact and still managed by TPA in a viable but unreconcilable state.

To completely decommission the node, it is safe to simply turn off the server corresponding to node-2. If you attempt to run deploy at this stage, it will fail early when it cannot reach the server.

To reconcile this change in config.yml simply delete the entry under instances corresponding to node-2. It will look something like this:

- Name: node-2
  location: a
  node: 2
  - bdr
  - pgd-proxy
    bdr_child_group: a_subgroup
      route_priority: 100

You can now manage this node as usual using TPA. The original cluster still has metadata that refers to node-2 as a node whose state is PARTED, which is not removed by default as it does not affect cluster functionality.


If you wish to join the original node-2 back to the cluster after having removed it from config.yml, you can do so by restoring the deleted lines of config.yml, stopping Postgres, deleting the PGDATA directory on that node, and then repeating tpaexec deploy. As noted above, TPA will not remove an existing database, even if the corresponding entry is deleted from config.yml, so you need to perform this action manually.

Example: changing the superuser password

TPA automatically generates a password for the superuser which you may view using tpaexec show-password <cluster> <superuser-name>. If you change the password manually (for example using the /password command in psql) you will find that after tpaexec deploy is next run, the password has reverted to the one set by TPA. To make the change through TPA, and therefore make it persist across runs of tpaexec deploy, you must use the command tpaexec store-password <cluster> <superuser-name> to specify the password, then run tpaexec deploy. This also applies to any other user created through TPA.

Example: adding or removing an extension

A simple single-node cluster can be deployed with the following config.yml.

architecture: M1
cluster_name: singlenode

  postgres_flavour: postgresql
  postgres_version: '15'
  preferred_python_version: python3

  image: tpa/debian:11
  platform: docker
    ansible_user: root

- Name: nodeone
  node: 1
  - primary

You may manually add the pgvector extension by connecting to the node and running apt install postgresql-15-pgvector then executing the following SQL command: CREATE EXTENSION vector;. This will not cause any operational issues, beyond the fact that config.yml no longer describes the cluster as fully as it did previously. However, it is advisable to reconcile config.yml (or indeed simply use TPA to add the extension in the first place) by adding the following cluster variables.

   - postgresql-15-pgvector
  - vector

After adding this configuration, you may manually remove the extension by executing the SQL command DROP EXTENSION vector; and then apt remove postgresql-15-pgvector. However if you run tpaexec deploy again without reconciling config.yml, the extension will be reinstalled. To reconcile config.yml, simply remove the lines added previously.


As noted previously, TPA will not honour destructive changes. So simply removing the lines from config.yml will not remove the extension. It is necessary to perform this operation manually then reconcile the change.