Known issues and limitations v1

These known issues and limitations are in the current release of EDB Postgres Distributed for Kubernetes.

Postgres major version upgrades

This version of EDB Postgres Distributed for Kubernetes doesn't support major version upgrades of Postgres.

Data migration

This version of EDB Postgres Distributed for Kubernetes does not support declarative import of data from other Postgres database. To migrate schemas and data, you can use traditional Postgres Migration tools such as EDB*Loader or MTK/xDB. You can also use pg_dump ... on the source database and pipe the command's output to your target database with psql -c.

Connectivity with PgBouncer

EDB Postgres Distributed for Kubernetes does not support using PgBouncer to pool client connection requests. This limitation applies to both the open-source and EDB versions of PgBouncer.

Backup operations

To configure an EDB Postgres Distributed for Kubernetes environment, you must apply a PGDGroup YAML object to each Kubernetes cluster. Applying this object creates all necessary services for implementing a distributed architecture.

If you added a spec.backup section to this PGDGroup object with the goal of setting up a backup configuration, the backup will fail unless you also set the spec.backup.cron.schedule value.

Error output example:

The PGDGroup "region-a" is invalid: spec.backup.cron.schedule: Invalid value: "": Empty spec string


To work around this issue, add a spec.backup.cron.schedule section with a schedule that meets your requirements, for example:

  instances: 3  
  proxyInstances: 2  
      create: true  
      name: world  
      suspend: false  
      immediate: true  
      schedule: "0 */5 * * * *"

Known issues and limitations in EDB Postgres Distributed

All issues and limitations known for the EDB Postgres Distributed version that you include in your deployment also affect your EDB Postgres Distributed for Kubernetes instance.

For example, if the EDB Postgres Distributed version you're using is 5.x, your EDB Postgres Distributed for Kubernetes instance will be affected by these 5.x known issues and 5.x limitations.