EDB Postgres Distributed 5.5.1 release notes v5.7

Released: 31 May 2024

EDB Postgres Distributed version 5.5.1 is a patch release containing bug fixes for EDB Postgres Distributed.

Recommended upgrade

We recommend that all users of PGD 5 upgrade to PGD 5.5.1. See PGD/TPA upgrades for details.

Bug fixes

Fixed potential data inconsistency issue with mixed-version usage during a rolling upgrade.
Backward-incompatible change in PGD 5.5.0 may lead to inconsistencies when replicating from a newer PGD 5.5.0 node to an older version of the PGD node, specifically during the mixed-mode rolling upgrade.
This release addresses a backward-compatibility issue in mixed-version operation, enabling seamless rolling upgrades.
Disabled auto-triggering of node sync by default.
Automatically triggered synchronization of data from a down node caused issues by failing to resume once it came back up. As a precautionary measure, the feature is now disabled by default (PGD setting bdr.enable_auto_sync_reconcile).