Testing and tuning commands v5.7

EDB Postgres Distributed has tools that help with testing and tuning your PGD clusters. For background, see Testing and tuning.



A benchmarking tool for EDB Postgres Distributed deployments.

pgd_bench [OPTION]... [DBNAME] [DBNAME2]

DBNAME can be a conninfo string of the format: "host= user=postgres dbname=master"

See pgd_bench in Testing and tuning for examples of pgd_bench options and usage.


The pgd_bench command is implemented as a wrapper around the pgbench command. This means that it shares many of the same options and created tables named pgbench as it performs its testing.

Options that are specific to pgd_bench include the following.

Setting mode

-m or --mode

The mode can be set to regular, camo, or failover. The default is regular.

  • regular Only a single node is needed to run pgd_bench.
  • camo A second node must be specified to act as the CAMO partner. (CAMO must be set up.)
  • failover A second node must be specified to act as the failover.

When using -m failover, an additional option --retry is available. This option instructs pgd_bench to retry transactions when there's a failover. The --retry option is automatically enabled when -m camo is used.

Setting GUC variables

-o or --set-option

This option is followed by NAME=VALUE entries, which are applied using the Postgres SET command on each server that pgd_bench connects to, and only those servers.

The other options are identical to the Postgres pgbench command. For details, see the PostgreSQL pgbench documentation.

The complete list of options (pgd_bench and pgbench) follow.

Initialization options

  • -i, --initialize Invoke initialization mode.
  • -I, --init-steps=[dtgGvpf]+ (default "dtgvp") Run selected initialization steps.
    • d Drop any existing pgbench tables.
    • t Create the tables used by the standard pgbench scenario.
    • g Generate data client-side and load it into the standard tables, replacing any data already present.
    • G Generate data server-side and load it into the standard tables, replacing any data already present.
    • v Invoke VACUUM on the standard tables.
    • p Create primary key indexes on the standard tables.
    • f Create foreign key constraints between the standard tables.
  • -F, --fillfactor=NUM Set fill factor.
  • -n, --no-vacuum Don't run VACUUM during initialization.
  • -q, --quiet Quiet logging (one message every 5 seconds).
  • -s, --scale=NUM Scaling factor.
  • --foreign-keys Create foreign key constraints between tables.
  • --index-tablespace=TABLESPACE Create indexes in the specified tablespace.
  • --partition-method=(range|hash) Partition pgbench_accounts with this method. The default is range.
  • --partitions=NUM Partition pgbench_accounts into NUM parts. The default is 0.
  • --tablespace=TABLESPACE Create tables in the specified tablespace.
  • --unlogged-tables Create tables as unlogged tables. (Note: Unlogged tables aren't replicated.)

Options to select what to run

  • -b, --builtin=NAME[@W] Add built-in script NAME weighted at W. The default is 1. Use -b list to list available scripts.
  • -f, --file=FILENAME[@W] Add script FILENAME weighted at W. The default is 1.
  • -N, --skip-some-updates Updates of pgbench_tellers and pgbench_branches. Same as -b simple-update.
  • -S, --select-only Perform SELECT-only transactions. Same as -b select-only.

Benchmarking options

  • -c, --client=NUM Number of concurrent database clients. The default is 1.
  • -C, --connect Establish new connection for each transaction.
  • -D, --define=VARNAME=VALUE Define variable for use by custom script.
  • -j, --jobs=NUM Number of threads. The default is 1.
  • -l, --log Write transaction times to log file.
  • -L, --latency-limit=NUM Count transactions lasting more than NUM ms as late.
  • -m, --mode=regular|camo|failover Mode in which to run pgbench. The default is regular.
  • -M, --protocol=simple|extended|prepared Protocol for submitting queries. The default is simple.
  • -n, --no-vacuum Don't run VACUUM before tests.
  • -o, --set-option=NAME=VALUE Specify runtime SET option.
  • -P, --progress=NUM Show thread progress report every NUM seconds.
  • -r, --report-per-command Latencies, failures, and retries per command.
  • -R, --rate=NUM Target rate in transactions per second.
  • -s, --scale=NUM Report this scale factor in output.
  • -t, --transactions=NUM Number of transactions each client runs. The default is 10.
  • -T, --time=NUM Duration of benchmark test, in seconds.
  • -v, --vacuum-all Vacuum all four standard tables before tests.
  • --aggregate-interval=NUM Data over NUM seconds.
  • --failures-detailed Report the failures grouped by basic types.
  • --log-prefix=PREFIX Prefix for transaction time log file. The default is pgbench_log.
  • --max-tries=NUM Max number of tries to run transaction. The default is 1.
  • --progress-timestamp Use Unix epoch timestamps for progress.
  • --random-seed=SEED Set random seed (time, rand, integer).
  • --retry Retry transactions on failover. Used with -m.
  • --sampling-rate=NUM Fraction of transactions to log, for example, 0.01 for 1%.
  • --show-script=NAME Show built-in script code, then exit.
  • --verbose-errors Print messages of all errors.

Common options:

  • -d, --debug Print debugging output.
  • -h, --host=HOSTNAME Database server host or socket directory.
  • -p, --port=PORT Database server port number.
  • -U, --username=USERNAME Connect as specified database user.
  • -V, --version Output version information, then exit.
  • -?, --help Show help, then exit.