Stream triggers row variables v5.7


Data type name. This variable contains the name of the trigger actually fired. The actual trigger name has a \_bdrt or \_bdrc suffix (depending on trigger type) compared to the name provided during trigger creation.


Data type text. This variable says BEFORE for both conflict and transform triggers. You can get the stream trigger type by calling the bdr.trigger_get_type() information function. See bdr.trigger_get_type.


Data type text: a string of ROW.


Data type text: a string of INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE identifying the operation for which the trigger was fired.


Data type oid: the object ID of the table that caused the trigger invocation.


Data type name: the name of the table that caused the trigger invocation.


Data type name: the name of the schema of the table that caused the trigger invocation. For partitioned tables, this is the name of the root table.


Data type integer: the number of arguments given to the trigger function in the bdr.create_conflict_trigger() or bdr.create_transform_trigger() statement.


Data type array of text: the arguments from the bdr.create_conflict_trigger() or bdr.create_transform_trigger() statement. The index counts from 0. Invalid indexes (less than 0 or greater than or equal to TG_NARGS) result in a NULL value.