PGD compatibility v5.7

PGD compatibility with PostgreSQL versions

The following table shows the major versions of PostgreSQL and each version of EDB Postgres Distributed (PGD) they are compatible with.

Postgres VersionPGD 5PGD 4

PGD compatibility with operating systems and architectures

The following tables show the versions of EDB Postgres Distributed and their compatibility with various operating systems and architectures.

Linux x86_64 (amd64)

Operating SystemPGD 5PGD 4
RHEL 8/9YesYes
Oracle Linux 8/9YesYes
Rocky Linux/AlmaLinuxYesYes
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15SP5YesYes
Ubuntu 20.04/22.04YesYes
Debian 11/12YesYes

Linux ppc64le

Operating SystemPGD 5PGD 4
RHEL 8/9YesNo

Linux arm64/aarch64

Operating SystemPGD 5¹PGD 4
Debian 12YesNo
RHEL 9²YesNo

¹ From PGD 5.6.1 onwards

² Postgres 12 is not supported on RHEL 9 on arm64/aarch64