Internal timing of operations v5.7

For a better understanding of how the different modes work, it's helpful to know that legacy physical streaming replication (PSR) and PGD apply transactions in different ways.

With Legacy PSR, the order of operations is:

  1. Origin flushes a commit record to WAL, making the transaction visible locally.
  2. Peer node receives changes and issues a write.
  3. Peer flushes the received changes to disk.
  4. Peer applies changes, making the transaction visible on the peer.

Note that the change is written to the disk before applying the chnages.

With PGD, by default and with Lag Control, the order of operations is different. In these cases, the change becomes visible on the peer before the transaction is flushed to the peer's disk:

  1. Origin flushes a commit record to WAL, making the transaction visible locally.
  2. Peer node receives changes into its apply queue in memory.
  3. Peer applies changes, making the transaction visible on the peer.
  4. Peer persists the transaction by flushing to disk.

For PGD's Group Commit and CAMO, the origin node waits for a certain number of confirmations prior to making the transaction visible locally. The order of operations is:

  1. Origin flushes a prepare or precommit record to WAL.
  2. Peer node receives changes into its apply queue in memory.
  3. Peer applies changes, making the transaction visible on the peer.
  4. Peer persists the transaction by flushing to disk.
  5. Origin commits and makes the transaction visible locally.

The following table summarizes the differences.

VariantOrder of apply vs persistReplication before or after commit
PSRpersist firstafter WAL flush of commit record
PGD Asyncapply firstafter WAL flush of commit record
PGD Lag Controlapply firstafter WAL flush of commit record
PGD Group Commitapply firstbefore COMMIT on origin
PGD CAMOapply firstbefore COMMIT on origin