Comparing durability options v5.7


Most options for synchronous replication available to PGD allow for different levels of synchronization, offering different tradeoffs between performance and protection against node or network outages.

The following list of confirmation levels explains what a user should expect to see when that confirmation level is in effect and how that can affect performance, durability, and consistency.


Expect: The peer node has received the changes. Nothing has been updated in the peer nodes tuple store or written to storage.

Confirmation on reception means that the peer operating normally can eventually, apply the transaction without requiring any further communication, even in the face of a full or partial network outage. A crash of a peer node might still require retransmission of the transaction, as this confirmation doesn't involve persistent storage.

For: The origin node in the transaction only has to wait for the reception of the transaction. Where transactions are large, it may improve the TPS performance of the system.

Against: An increased likelihood of stale reads. Overall, ON RECEIVED is not robust because data can be lost when either a Postgres server or operating system crash occurs.


Expect: The peer node has received the changes and applied them to the tuple store. The changes have been written to storage, but the storage has not been flushed to disk.

Confirmation on replication means the peer has received and applied the changes. Those changes have been written to storage, but will still be in operating system caches and buffers. The system has yet to persist them to disk.

For: This checkpoint is further down the timeline of transaction processing. The origin node only waits for the transaction to be applied, but not persisted.

Against: There's a slightly lower chance of stale reads over ON RECEIVED. Also, with ON REPLICATED data can survive a Postgres crash but will still not survive an operating system crash.


Expect: The peer node has received the changes, applied them to the tuple store and persisted the changes to storage. It has yet to make the changes available to other sessions.

Durable confirmation means that the transaction has been written and flushed to the peer node's storage. This protects against loss of data after a crash and recovery of the peer node. But, if a session commits a transaction with an ON DURABLE rule before disconnecting and reconnecting, the transaction's changes are not guaranteed to be visible to the reconnected session.

When used with the Group Commit commit scope kind, this also means the changes are visible.

For: More robust, able to recover without retransmission in the event of a crash.

Against: Doesn't guarantee consistency in cases of failover.


Expect: The peer node has received and applied the changes, persisted and flushed those changes to storage.

Confirmation of visibility means that the transaction was fully applied remotely. If a session commits a transaction with an ON VISIBLE rule before disconnecting and reconnecting, the transaction's changes are guaranteed to be visible to the reconnected session.

For: Robust and consistent.

Against: Lower performance.