pgd node set-option v5.7


The pgd node set-option command is used to set node-level options in the EDB Postgres Distributed cluster.


pgd node <NODE_NAME> set-option [OPTIONS] <OPTION> <VALUE>

Where <NODE_NAME> is the name of the node for which you want to get options.

And <OPTION> is the name of a specific node option you want to get and <VALUE> is the value you want it set to.

The following options are available:

Node Options

route_priorityPriority assigned to the node.
route_fenceSet to fence the node
route_writesSet to allow node to route writes.
route_readsSet to allow node to route reads.
route_dsnDSN for connections to this node


No command specific options. See Global Options.


Set a specific node option

pgd node kaboom set-option route_priority 100
Command executed successfully

Set a specific node option with a space in the value

pgd node kaboom set-option route_dsn "host=kaboom port=5444 dbname=bdrdb user=pgdproxy"
Command executed successfully