pgd cluster verify v5.7


The pgd cluster verify command is used to verify the configuration of an EDB Postgres Distributed cluster.


pgd cluster verify [OPTIONS]


The following table lists the options available for the pgd cluster verify command:

--settingsVerify Postgres settings in the cluster.
--archVerify the cluster architecture
-v--verboseDisplay verbose output.

With no option set, both setting and arch are verified by default and output is not verbose.


Verify the cluster settings and architecture

pgd cluster verify
## Architecture
Check                   Status Groups
----------------------- ------ ------
Cluster has data nodes  Ok           
Witness nodes per group Ok           
Witness-only groups     Ok           
Data nodes per group    Ok           
Empty groups            Ok           

# Settings
Setting Name                     Status
-------------------------------- ------
bdr.accept_connections           Ok    
bdr.ddl_locking                  Ok    
bdr.max_writers_per_subscription Ok    
bdr.raft_group_max_connections   Ok    
bdr.replay_progress_frequency    Ok    
bdr.role_replication             Ok    
bdr.standby_slot_names           Ok    
bdr.standby_slots_min_confirmed  Ok    
bdr.start_workers                Ok    
bdr.writers_per_subscription     Ok    
bdr.xact_replication             Ok    
max_connections                  Ok    
max_prepared_transactions        Ok    
max_replication_slots            Ok    
max_wal_senders                  Ok    
max_worker_processes             Ok    
shared_preload_libraries         Ok    
track_commit_timestamp           Ok    
wal_level                        Ok