pgd assess v5.7
The pgd assess
commands are used to assess the suitability of a Postgres server instance for migration to the EDB Postgres Distributed cluster.
The command must be run with a DSN that connects to the Postgres server instance that you want to assess. The command will check the Postgres server instance for compatibility with the EDB Postgres Distributed cluster, and will provide a report on the compatibility of the Postgres server instance.
pgd assess [OPTIONS]
The assess command has no command specific options.
See also Global Options.
pgd assess
Assessment Result Details ----------------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiple Databases Compatible Found only one user database Sequences Compatible No user sequences found Tables with Multiple Unique Indexes Compatible No tables with multiple unique indexes found Materialized Views Compatible No materialized views found EPAS Queue Tables Compatible No EPAS Queue Tables found LOCK TABLE Usage Requires workload analysis Could not analyze LOCK TABLE usage with pg_stat_statements DDL Command Usage Requires workload analysis Cannot be checked automatically at this time LISTEN/NOTIFY Usage Requires workload analysis Could not analyze LISTEN/NOTIFY usage with pg_stat_statements Row-Level Lock Usage Requires workload analysis Could not analyze row-level locking commands using pg_stat_statements Advisory Lock Usage Requires workload analysis Could not analyze advisory lock commands using pg_stat_statements Large Objects Compatible No large objects found Trigger/Reference Privileges Compatible No triggers with incompatible privileges found