Command reference v5.7

The command name for the PGD command line interface is pgd.


The EDB Postgres Distributed Command Line Interface (PGD CLI) is a tool to manage your EDB Postgres Distributed cluster. It allows you to run commands against EDB Postgres Distributed clusters. You can use it to inspect and manage cluster resources.


  • cluster: Cluster-level commands for managing the cluster.
    • show: Show cluster-level information.
    • verify: Verify cluster-level information.
  • group: Group-level commands for managing groups.
    • show: Show group-level information.
    • set-option: Set group-level options.
    • get-option: Get group-level options.
    • set-leader: Set the write leader of a group (perform a switchover).
  • groups: Group related commands for listing groups.
  • node: Node-level commands for managing nodes.
    • show: Show node-level information.
    • set-option: Set node-level options.
    • get-option: Get node-level options.
    • upgrade: Perform a major version upgrade of a PGD Postgres node.
  • nodes: Node related commands for listing nodes.
  • events: Event log commands for viewing events.
  • replication: Replication related-commands for managing replication.
    • show: Show replication information.
  • raft: Raft related commands for managing Raft consensus.
    • show: Show information about Raft state.
  • commit-scope: Commit scope related commands for managing PGD commit scopes.
    • show: Show information about a commit-scope.
    • create: Create a commit-scope.
    • update: Update a commit-scope.
    • drop: Drop a commit-scope.
  • assess: Assesses a Postgres server's PGD compatibility.
  • completion: Generate shell completion scripts.

Global Options

All commands accept the following global options:

ShortLong            Description
-f--config-fileName/Path to config file.
This is ignored if --dsn flag is present
Default "/etc/edb/pgd-cli/pgd-cli-config.yml"
--dsnDatabase connection string
For example "host=bdr-a1 port=5432 dbname=bdrdb user=postgres"
-h--helpHelp for pgd - will show specific help for any command used
-o--outputOutput format: json, psql, modern, markdown, simple (see Output formats)

Additional Options

Run pgd -V to see the version information for the pgd CLI.

Output formats

Used with the -o/--outputß option:

simpleSimple format - Output as a simple ASCII table (Default).
jsonJSON format - Output as a JSON document, non-tabular
psqlPSQL format - Output as an ASCII table in the style of PSQL
modernModern format - Output as a table using box characters
markdownMarkdown table format - Output as a markdown compatible ASCII table