Use of table access methods (TAMs) in PGD v5.7

The EDB Advanced Storage Pack provides a selection of table access methods (TAMs), available from EDB Postgres 15.0.

The following TAMs were certified for use with PGD 5.0:

Usage of any other TAM is restricted until certified by EDB.

To use one of these TAMs on a PGD cluster, the appropriate extension library (autocluster and/or refdata) must be added to the shared_preload_libraries parameter on each node, and the PostgreSQL server restarted.

Once the extension library is present in shared_preload_libraries on all nodes in the cluster, the extension itself can be created with CREATE EXTENSION autocluster; or CREATE EXTENSION refdata;. The CREATE EXTENSION command only needs to be executed on one node; it will be replicated to the other nodes in the cluster.

After you create the extension, use CREATE TABLE test USING autocluster; or CREATE TABLE test USING refdata; to create a table with the specified TAM. These commands replicate to all PGD nodes in the cluster.

For more information on these table access methods, see: