Using SQL Profiler

The SQL Profiler extension allows a user to locate and optimize inefficient SQL code. Microsoft's SQL Server Profiler is very similar to PEM’s SQL Profiler in operation and capabilities.

SQL Profiler works with PEM to allow you to profile a server's workload. You can install and enable the SQL Profiler extension on servers with or without a PEM agent. However, you can run traces only in ad hoc mode on unmanaged servers and you can schedule them only on managed servers.

SQL Profiler captures and displays a specific SQL workload for analysis in a SQL trace. You can start and review captured SQL traces immediately or save captured traces for review later. You can use SQL Profiler to create and store up to 15 named traces.

SQL Profiler functions

The following functions are available in SQL Profiler:

  • sp_activate
  • sp_deactivate
  • sp_active_traces
  • sp_traces_list
  • sp_load_trace
  • sp_cleanup
  • sp_profiler_version


Use this function to start a new trace for a provided user and database. You can use create a trace for any database on which SQL Profiler was installed and configured. You can define a trace for logging the statements against specific users and databases. You can have multiple traces logging the query statements at the same time.

	comments character varying(100), 
    users oidvector, 
    databases oidvector, 
    max_log_limit int4, 
    log_min_duration int4, 
    time_limit interval = NULL
Parameter(s)Input or outputDescription
commentsInputAny text to describe the purpose for the trace.
usersInputVector of user OID for whom queries needs to be logged. An empty oidvector will log the queries for all users.
databasesInputVector of datbase OID for which sql needs to be logged. An empty oidvector will log the queries for all databases.
max_log_limitInputThe total size of trace should not go beyond this limit. Unit is in MB. A value of -1 implies no limit. SQL Profiler terminates the trace when it reaches approximately the specified value.
log_min_durationInputLog only the statements that run for at least this number of milliseconds.
time_limitInputRun the trace for the this time interval. NULL implies no limit. Interval must be a positive value.


Start a new trace named 'tracefortestuser', for user with OID 0011, on database with OID 134, with a maximum trace log size of 25MB, for queries that run at least 10 seconds, up to 30 minutes:

SELECT sp_activate(tracefortestuser,0011,134,25,10000,30);


Use this function to stop a trace for the given trace_id. The function will return true on success.

	OUT trace_id         text,
Parameter(s)Input or outputDescription
trace_idInputThe return value of the sp_activate function.


Stop a trace with trace_id 10:

SELECT sp_deactivate(10);


Use this function to show the details of active traces.

	OUT trace_id         text,
	OUT owner            oid,
	OUT start_time       timestamptz,
	OUT max_log_size     int4,
	OUT curr_log_size    int4,
	OUT log_min_duration int4,
	OUT running_queries  int4,
	OUT users            oidvector,
	OUT databases        oidvector
Parameter(s)Input or outputDescription
trace_idOutputID of the trace
ownerOutputOwner of the trace
start_timeOutputStarting time of the trace
max_log_limitOutputMaximum trace size in MB
max_log_sizeOutputMaximum logged trace size in MB
curr_log_sizeOutputCurrently logged trace file size in MB
log_min_durationOutputMinimum duration criteria for logging
running_queriesOutputRun the trace for the given number of time interval. NULL suggests no limit. Interval must be a positive value.
usersOutputList of User OID(s)
databasesOutputList of database OID(s)


SELECT sp_active_traces()

For superusers: List down all the active trace(s). For non-superusers: List down the active trace(s) initiated by them.


Use this function to list the details of all traces.

	OUT trace_id    text,
	OUT comments    text,
	OUT start_time  timestamptz,
	OUT owner       oid,
	OUT users       oidvector,
	OUT databases   oidvector,
	OUT max_size    int4,
	OUT end_time    timestamptz,
	OUT finish_time timestamptz,
	OUT status      int4,
	OUT version     float8
Parameter(s)Input or outputDescription
trace_idOutputID of the trace
commentsOutputDescription that was set by user at the time of trace activation
start_timeOutputStarting time of the trace
ownerOutputOwner of the trace
usersOutputList of User OID(s)
databasesOutputList of database OID(s)
max_sizeOutputLimit of the maximum trace size in MB
end_timeOutputThe time at which sp_deactivate() was called or scheduled to stop.
finish_timeOutputThe time at which the trace actually stopped.
statusOutput0: Unknown status (Server should have restared), 1. Active, 2. Stopped, 3. Max size exceeded, 4. Time limit exceeded
versionOutputVersion of the trace. 3 - TEXT, 4 - JSON. Change with the "format_options" GUC: [EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT,EXPLAIN_FORMAT_JSON]


SELECT sp_traces_list()

For superusers: List down all the active trace(s). For non-superusers: List down the active trace(s) initiated by them.


Use this function to load all the trace files of a particular trace_id into a temporary table named _sp_tmp_tbl_sql_profiler. Returns true on successful loading of the trace.

	IN trace_id  text,
    IN refresh   bool
Parameter(s)Input or outputDescription
trace_idInputID of the trace
refresh TRUEInputAll the temp table data will be removed from the temp table for that particular trace_id, and then reload the data from scratch.
refreshFALSEInputThe trace files will be read from the position from where it was successfully loaded last time.


Load the trace files for trace_id 10, removing the temp table data for trace_id 10, and reload it from scratch:

SELECT sp_load_trace(10, true)


Use this function to permanently remove a trace. Returns true on successful removal of the trace.

	IN trace_id  text,
    IN remove_active   bool
Parameter(s)Input or outputDescription
trace_idInputID of the trace
remove_active TRUEInputSuggests you are not accidentally removing the active trace.
remove_active FALSEInputResults in an error if the given trace is still active.


Permanently remove the trace files for trace_id 10, ensusring that trace_id 10 is not the active trace:

SELECT sp_cleanup(10, true)


Use this function to show the current version of SQL Profiler.



Show the current version of SQL Profiler:

SELECT sp_profiler_version();

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