Configuring SQL Profiler

Permissions for SQL profiler

To access the SQL profiler tool on PEM, there are two prerequisites:

  1. The user logged in to the PEM GUI must either be a superuser or a member of group pem_comp_sqlprofiler within the PEM server database. For more information, see pem groups.
  2. The user configured for the database server in the server tree (Username), must be a superuser on the database server that the trace is being run on (monitored server).


The following parameters in postgresql.conf control the SQL Profiler extension behavior.

ParameterDescriptionDefaultReload or restart
sql_profiler.enabledEnable or disable SQL Profiler for this session.trueNo need to restart or reload, can be set by anyone at any time.
sql_profiler.use_array_for_paramasEnable or disable to load the prepared parameters in 'params' (OIDVECTOR) column.falseNo need to restart or reload, can be set by anyone at any time.
sql_profiler.explain_formatEXPLAIN format to be used in the trace.EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXTNo need to restart or reload, can be set by anyone at any time.

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