Supported platforms and databases v55

Supported database versions

You can use the following database product versions with Migration Toolkit:

  • PostgreSQL versions 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17
  • EDB Postgres Advanced Server versions 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17
  • Oracle 11g
  • Oracle 12c
  • Oracle 18c
  • Oracle 19c
  • SQL Server 2014
  • SQL Server 2016
  • SQL Server 2017
  • SQL Server 2019
  • MySQL 5.5
  • MySQL 5.7
  • MySQL 8.0
  • (Sybase) SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7
  • (Sybase) SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0

All the PostgreSQL and EDB Postgres Advanced Server versions available as EDB Postgres AI Cloud Service single-node, primary/standby high-availability, and distributed high-availability cluster types are also supported for use with Migration Toolkit. See the Cloud Service documentation for more information about Cloud Service’s supported cluster types. See the database version policy documentation for the versions of PostgreSQL and EDB Postgres Advanced Server available in Cloud Service.

The superuser role isn't available in EDB Postgres AI Cloud Service EDB Postgres Advanced Server distributed high-availability cluster databases. As a result, the following Migration Toolkit capabilities that require superuser access aren't supported when targeting Cloud Service distributed high-availability clusters:

  • The -copyViaDBLinkOra option that enables data migration using the db_link_ora extension
  • The Oracle-compatible SQL command CREATE DATABASE LINK

Contact your EnterpriseDB Account Manager or if you require support for other database products.


The Migration Toolkit isn't tested with and doesn't officially support use with Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) and Exadata. However, Migration Toolkit might work when it's connected to a single persistent node. For more information, contact your EDB representative.

Supported operating system versions

Migration Toolkit supports installations on Linux and Windows platforms. See Product Compatibility for details.


The ojdbc7.jar can cause large data migrations to be incomplete due to a limit on records over Integer.MAX_VALUE (2147483647) while fetching from the ResultSet. To avoid this issue, we recommend upgrading to ojdbc8.jar.

Supported JDBC drivers

To perform a migration, you must choose and install JDBC drivers that support your source and target databases. These can be Postgres JDBC drivers, or non-Postgres JDBC drivers.

Supported Postgres JDBC drivers

For Postgres JDBC drivers, Migration Toolkit supports the following PostgreSQL and EDB Advanced Server drivers:

PostgreSQL JDBC driverEDB JDBC driver
MTK 55.10.0JDBC 42.7.3 and laterJDBC and later
MTK 55.9.0JDBC 42.5.4 and laterJDBC and later
MTK 55.8.0JDBC 42.5.4 and laterJDBC and later
MTK 55.7.0JDBC 42.5.4 and laterJDBC and later
MTK 55.6.0JDBC 42.5.4 and laterJDBC and later
MTK 55.5.0JDBC 42.5.1 and laterJDBC and later
MTK 55.4.0JDBC 42.5.1 and laterJDBC and later
MTK 55.3.0JDBC 42.5.0 and laterJDBC and later
MTK 55.2.0JDBC 42.5.0 and laterJDBC and later
MTK 55.1.0JDBC 42.2.12 and laterJDBC and later
MTK 55.0.0JDBC 42.2.12 and laterJDBC and later

See Choosing a driver for download information.

Supported non-Postgres database versions

If your source or target database is a third-party, non-Postgres database, you need a third-party JDBC driver.

To ensure compatibility of your Migration Toolkit version with the third-party JDBC driver version, use the latest available JDBC driver version that's compatible with the database you want to migrate from or to.

Check JDBC driver and database compatibility with the third-party provider, for example, in the corresponding Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, or SAP Adaptive Enterprise documentation.

See Choosing a driver for download information.