EDB clone schema v14

EDB Clone Schema is an extension module for EDB Postgres Advanced Server that allows you to copy a schema and its database objects from a local or remote database (the source database) to a receiving database (the target database).

The source and target databases can be either:

  • The same physical database
  • Different databases in the same database cluster
  • Separate databases running under different database clusters on separate database server hosts

Use the following functions with EDB Clone Schema:

  • localcopyschema. This function copies a schema and its database objects from a source database into the same database (the target) but with a different schema name from the original. Use this function when the source schema and the copy will reside within the same database. See localcopyschema for more information.
  • localcopyschema_nb. This function performs the same purpose as localcopyschema but as a background job, which frees up the terminal from which the function was initiated. This function is referred to as a non-blocking function. See localcopyschema_nb for more information.
  • remotecopyschema. This function copies a schema and its database objects from a source database to a different target database. Use this function when the source schema and the copy will reside in separate databases. The separate databases can reside in the same EDB Postgres Advanced Server database clusters or in different ones. See remotecopyschema for more information.
  • remotecopyschema_nb. This function performs the same purpose as remotecopyschema but as a background job, which frees up the terminal from which the function was initiated. This function is a non-blocking function. See remotecopyschema_nb for more information.
  • process_status_from_log. This function displays the status of the cloning functions. The information is obtained from a log file you specify when invoking a cloning function. See process_status_from_log for more information.
  • remove_log_file_and_job. This function deletes the log file created by a cloning function. You can also use this function to delete a job created by the non-blocking form of the function. See remove_log_file_and_job for more information.
  • create_clone_log_dir. This function creates a directory to store all the log files created by a cloning function.
  • grant_clone_schema_privileges. This function grants the privileges to clone the schema to a non-superuser.
  • revoke_clone_schema_privileges. This function revokes the privileges to clone the schema from a non-superuser.

You can clone these database objects from one schema to another:

  • Data types
  • Tables including partitioned tables, excluding foreign tables
  • Indexes
  • Constraints
  • Sequences
  • View definitions
  • Materialized views
  • Private synonyms
  • Table triggers, but excluding event triggers
  • Rules
  • Functions
  • Procedures
  • Packages
  • Comments for all supported object types
  • Access control lists (ACLs) for all supported object types

You can't clone the following database objects:

  • Large objects (Postgres LOBs and BFILEs)
  • Logical replication attributes for a table
  • Database links
  • Foreign data wrappers
  • Foreign tables
  • Event triggers
  • Extensions

For cloning objects that rely on extensions, see the limitations that follow.

  • Row-level security
  • Policies
  • Operator class

The following limitations apply:

  • EDB Clone Schema is supported on EDB Postgres Advanced Server when you specify a dialect of Compatible with Oracle on the EDB Postgres Advanced Server Dialect dialog box during installation. It's also supported when you include the --redwood-like keywords during a text-mode installation or cluster initialization.
  • The source code in functions, procedures, triggers, packages, and so on, aren't modified after being copied to the target schema. If such programs contain coded references to objects with schema names, the programs might fail when invoked in the target schema if such schema names are no longer consistent in the target schema.
  • Cross-schema object dependencies aren't resolved. If an object in the target schema depends on an object in another schema, this dependency isn't resolved by the cloning functions.
  • For remote cloning, if an object in the source schema depends on an extension, then you must create this extension in the public schema of the remote database before invoking the remote cloning function.
  • At most, 16 copy jobs can run in parallel to clone schemas. Each job can have at most 16 worker processes to copy table data in parallel.
  • You can't cancel queries run by background workers.
  • Non-blocking cloning functions such as localcopyschema_nb and remotecopyschema_nb must be performed by a superuser. Only blocking cloning functions like localcopyschema and remotecopyschema can be performed by a non-superuser. Although these functions don't enforce the superuser requirement, using them as a non-superuser can lead to unexpected behavior.

Setup process

You must install several extensions along with the PL/Perl language on any database used as the source or target database by an EDB Clone Schema function.

In addition, it might help to modify some configuration parameters in the postgresql.conf file of the database servers.

Installing extensions and PL/Perl

Perform this installation on any database to be used as the source or target database by an EDB Clone Schema function.

  1. The log directory is required to store all the log files. Create the log directory as a superuser:
SELECT edb_util.create_clone_log_dir();

When successful, the command returns true.

  1. Install the following extensions on the database:
  • postgres_fdw

  • dblink

  • adminpack

  • pgagent

    Ensure that pgAgent is installed before creating the pgagent extension. On Linux, you can use the edb-asxx-pgagent RPM package, where xx is the EDB Postgres Advanced Server version number to install pgAgent. On Windows, use StackBuilder Plus to download and install pgAgent.

    You can install the extensions using the following commands:

    CREATE EXTENSION postgres_fdw SCHEMA public;
    CREATE EXTENSION dblink SCHEMA public;
    CREATE EXTENSION adminpack;

    For more information about using the CREATE EXTENSION command, see the PostgreSQL core documentation.

  1. Modify the postgresql.conf file by adding $libdir/parallel_clone to the shared_preload_libraries configuration parameter as shown in this example:

    shared_preload_libraries = '$libdir/dbms_pipe,$libdir/dbms_aq,$libdir/parallel_clone'
  2. Install the Perl procedural language (PL/Perl) on the database, and run the CREATE TRUSTED LANGUAGE plperl command. For Linux, install PL/Perl using the edb-asxx-server-plperl RPM package, where xx is the EDB Postgres Advanced Server version number. For Windows, use the EDB Postgres Language Pack. For information on EDB Language Pack, see the EDB Postgres Language Pack.

  3. Connect to the database as a superuser and run the following command:


For more information about using the CREATE LANGUAGE command, see the PostgreSQL core documentation.

Setting configuration parameters

You might need to modify configuration parameters in the postgresql.conf file.

Performance configuration parameters

You might need to tune the system for copying a large schema as part of one transaction. Tuning of configuration parameters is for the source database server referenced in a cloning function.

You might need to tune the following configuration parameters in the postgresql.conf file:

  • work_mem. Specifies the amount of memory for internal sort operations and hash tables to use before writing to temporary disk files.
  • maintenance_work_mem. Specifies the maximum amount of memory for maintenance operations such as VACUUM, CREATE INDEX, and ALTER TABLE ADD FOREIGN KEY to use.
  • max_worker_processes. Sets the maximum number of background processes that the system can support.
  • checkpoint_timeout. Maximum time between automatic WAL checkpoints, in seconds.
  • checkpoint_completion_target. Specifies the target of checkpoint completion as a fraction of total time between checkpoints.
  • checkpoint_flush_after. Whenever more than checkpoint_flush_after bytes are written while performing a checkpoint, attempt to force the OS to issue these writes to the underlying storage.
  • max_wal_size. Maximum size to let the WAL grow to between automatic WAL checkpoints.
  • max_locks_per_transaction. Controls the average number of object locks allocated for each transaction. Individual transactions can lock more objects as long as the locks of all transactions fit in the lock table.

For information about the configuration parameters, see the PostgreSQL core documentation.

Status logging

Status logging by the cloning functions creates log files in the directory specified by the log_directory parameter in the postgresql.conf file for the database server to which you're connected when invoking the cloning function.

The default location is PGDATA/log, as shown by the following:

#log_directory = 'log'        # directory where log files are written,
                              # can be absolute or relative to PGDATA

This directory must exist before running a cloning function.

The name of the log file is determined by what you specify in the parameter list when invoking the cloning function.

To display the status from a log file, use the process_status_from_log function.

To delete a log file, use the remove_log_file_and_job function, or delete it manually from the log directory.

Installing EDB Clone Schema

Install the EDB Clone Schema on any database to be used as the source or target database by an EDB Clone Schema function.

  1. If you previously installed an older version of the edb_cloneschema extension, run the following command:

    DROP EXTENSION parallel_clone CASCADE;

    This command also drops the edb_cloneschema extension.

  2. Install the extensions. Make sure that you create the parallel_clone extension before creating the edb_cloneschema extension.

CREATE EXTENSION parallel_clone;

CREATE EXTENSION edb_cloneschema;

Creating the foreign servers and user mappings

When using one of the local cloning functions localcopyschema or localcopyschema_nb, one of the required parameters includes a single, foreign server. This server is for identifying the database server and its database that's the source and receiver of the cloned schema.

When using one of the remote cloning functions remotecopyschema or remotecopyschema_nb, two of the required parameters include two foreign servers. The foreign server specified as the first parameter identifies the source database server and its database that's the provider of the cloned schema. The foreign server specified as the second parameter identifies the target database server and its database that's the receiver of the cloned schema.

For each foreign server, you must create a user mapping. When a selected database user invokes a cloning function, that user must be mapped to a database user name and password that has access to the foreign server that's specified as a parameter in the cloning function.

For general information about foreign data, foreign servers, and user mappings, see the PostgreSQL core documentation.

Foreign server and user mapping for local cloning functions

For the localcopyschema and localcopyschema_nb functions, the source and target schemas are both in the same database of the same database server. Thus, you must define and specify only one foreign server for these functions. This foreign server is also referred to as the local server because this server is the one to which you must be connected when invoking the localcopyschema or localcopyschema_nb function.

The user mapping defines the connection and authentication information for the foreign server. You must create this foreign server and user mapping in the database of the local server in which the cloning occurs.

When invoking an EDB Clone Schema function, the database user for whom the user mapping is defined must have the required privileges and be connected to the local server.

This example creates the foreign server for the database containing the schema to clone and to receive the cloned schema:

CREATE SERVER local_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw
    host 'localhost',
    port '5444',
    dbname 'edb'

For more information about using the CREATE SERVER command, see the PostgreSQL core documentation.

The user mapping for this server is the following:

CREATE USER MAPPING FOR enterprisedb SERVER local_server
    user 'enterprisedb',
    password 'password'

For more information about using the CREATE USER MAPPING command, see the PostgreSQL core documentation.

The following psql commands show the foreign server and user mapping:

edb=# \des+
List of foreign servers
-[ RECORD 1 ]--------+----------------------------------------------
Name                 | local_server
Owner                | enterprisedb
Foreign-data wrapper | postgres_fdw
Access privileges    |
Type                 |
Version              |
FDW options          | (host 'localhost', port '5444', dbname 'edb')
Description          |

edb=# \deu+
                        List of user mappings
    Server    |  User name   |                 FDW options
 local_server | enterprisedb | ("user" 'enterprisedb', password 'password')
(1 row)

When database user enterprisedb invokes a cloning function, the database user enterprisedb with its password is used to connect to local_server on the localhost with port 5444 to database edb.

In this case, the mapped database user, enterprisedb, and the database user, enterprisedb, used to connect to the local edb database are the same database user. However, that's not required.

For specific use of these foreign server and user mapping examples, see the example given in localcopyschema.

Foreign server and user mapping for remote cloning functions

For the remotecopyschema and remotecopyschema_nb functions, the source and target schemas are in different databases of either the same or different database servers. You must define and specify two foreign servers for these functions.

The foreign server defining the originating database server and its database containing the source schema to clone is referred to as the source server or the remote server.

The foreign server defining the database server and its database to receive the schema to clone is referred to as the target server or the local server.

The target server is also referred to as the local server because this server is the one to which you must be connected when invoking the remotecopyschema or remotecopyschema_nb function.

The user mappings define the connection and authentication information for the foreign servers.

You must create all of these foreign servers and user mappings in the target database of the target/local server.

When invoking an EDB Clone Schema function, the database user for whom the user mappings are defined must have the required privileges and be connected to the local server.

This example creates the foreign server for the local target database that receives the cloned schema:

    host 'localhost',
    port '5444',
    dbname 'tgtdb'

The following is the user mapping for this server:

CREATE USER MAPPING FOR enterprisedb SERVER tgt_server
    user 'tgtuser',
    password 'tgtpassword'

This example creates the foreign server for the remote, source database that's the source for the cloned schema:

    host '',
    port '5444',
    dbname 'srcdb'

The following is the user mapping for this server:

CREATE USER MAPPING FOR enterprisedb SERVER src_server
    user 'srcuser',
    password 'srcpassword'

The following psql commands show the foreign servers and user mappings:

tgtdb=# \des+
List of foreign servers
-[ RECORD 1 ]--------+---------------------------------------------------
Name                 | src_server
Owner                | tgtuser
Foreign-data wrapper | postgres_fdw
Access privileges    |
Type                 |
Version              |
FDW options          | (host '', port '5444', dbname 'srcdb')
Description          |
-[ RECORD 2 ]--------+---------------------------------------------------
Name                 | tgt_server
Owner                | tgtuser
Foreign-data wrapper | postgres_fdw
Access privileges    |
Type                 |
Version              |
FDW options          | (host 'localhost', port '5444', dbname 'tgtdb')
Description          |

tgtdb=# \deu+
                      List of user mappings
   Server   |  User name   |                FDW options
 src_server | enterprisedb | ("user" 'srcuser', password 'srcpassword')
 tgt_server | enterprisedb | ("user" 'tgtuser', password 'tgtpassword')
(2 rows)

When database user enterprisedb invokes a cloning function, the database user tgtuser with password tgtpassword is used to connect to tgt_server on the localhost with port 5444 to database tgtdb.

In addition, database user srcuser with password srcpassword connects to src_server on host with port 5444 to database srcdb.


Be sure the pg_hba.conf file of the database server running the source database srcdb has an appropriate entry. This entry must permit connection from the target server location (address in the following example) with the database user srcuser that was included in the user mapping for the foreign server src_server defining the source server and database.

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD

# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all             all                                     md5
# IPv4 local connections:
host    srcdb           srcuser         md5

For specific use of these foreign server and user mapping examples, see the example given in remotecopyschema.

EDB Clone Schema functions

The EDB Clone Schema functions are created in the edb_util schema when the parallel_clone and edb_cloneschema extensions are installed.

Verify the following conditions before using an EDB Clone Schema function:

  • You're connected to the target or local database as the database user defined in the CREATE USER MAPPING command for the foreign server of the target or local database.
  • The edb_util schema is in the search path, or invoke the cloning function with the edb_util prefix.
  • The target schema doesn't exist in the target database.
  • When using the remote copy functions, if the on_tblspace parameter is set to true, then the target database cluster contains all tablespaces that are referenced by objects in the source schema. Otherwise, creating the DDL statements for those database objects fails in the target schema, which causes a failure of the cloning process.
  • When using the remote copy functions, if you set the copy_acls parameter to true, then all roles that have GRANT privileges on objects in the source schema exist in the target database cluster. Otherwise granting privileges to those roles fails in the target schema, which causes a failure of the cloning process.
  • pgAgent is running against the target database if you're using the non-blocking form of the function.

pgAgent is provided as a component with EDB Postgres Advanced Server. For information about pgAgent, see the pgAdmin documentation.


The localcopyschema function copies a schema and its database objects in a local database specified in the source_fdw foreign server from the source schema to the specified target schema in the same database.

  <source_fdw> TEXT,
  <source_schema> TEXT,
  <target_schema> TEXT,
  <log_filename> TEXT
  [, <on_tblspace> BOOLEAN
  [, <verbose_on> BOOLEAN
  [, <copy_acls> BOOLEAN
  [, <worker_count> INTEGER ]]]]

The function returns a Boolean value. If the function succeeds, then true is returned. If the function fails, then false is returned.

The source_fdw, source_schema, target_schema, and log_filename are required parameters while all other parameters are optional.



Name of the foreign server managed by the postgres_fdw foreign data wrapper from which to clone database objects.


Name of the schema from which to clone database objects.


Name of the schema into which to clone database objects from the source schema.


Name of the log file in which information from the function is recorded. The log file is created under the directory specified by the log_directory configuration parameter in the postgresql.conf file.


Boolean value to specify whether to create database objects in their tablespaces. If false, then the TABLESPACE clause isn't included in the applicable CREATE DDL statement when added to the target schema. If true, then the TABLESPACE clause is included in the CREATE DDL statement when added to the target schema. The default value is false.


Boolean value to specify whether to print the DDLs in log_filename when creating objects in the target schema. If false, then DDLs aren't printed. If true, then DDLs are printed. The default value is false.


Boolean value to specify whether to include the access control list (ACL) while creating objects in the target schema. The access control list is the set of GRANT privilege statements. If false, then the access control list isn't included for the target schema. If true, then the access control list is included for the target schema. The default value is false.


Number of background workers to perform the clone in parallel. The default value is 1.


This example shows the cloning of schema edb containing a set of database objects to target schema edbcopy. Both schemas are in database edb as defined by local_server.

The example is for the following environment:

  • Host on which the database server is running: localhost
  • Port of the database server: 5444
  • Database source/target of the clone: edb
  • Foreign server (local_server) and user mapping with the information of the preceding bullet points
  • Source schema: edb
  • Target schema: edbcopy
  • Database user to invoke localcopyschema: enterprisedb

Before invoking the function, database user enterprisedb connects to to database edb:

edb=# SET search_path TO "$user",public,edb_util;
edb=# SHOW search_path;
 "$user", public, edb_util
(1 row)

edb=# SELECT localcopyschema ('local_server','edb','edbcopy','clone_edb_edbcopy');
(1 row)

The following displays the logging status using the process_status_from_log function:

edb=# SELECT process_status_from_log('clone_edb_edbcopy');
 (FINISH,"2017-06-29 11:07:36.830783-04",3855,INFO,"STAGE: FINAL","successfully cloned schema")
(1 row)

After the clone is complete, the following shows some of the database objects copied to the edbcopy schema:

edb=# SET search_path TO edbcopy;
edb=# \dt+
                       List of relations
 Schema  |  Name   | Type  |    Owner     |    Size    | Description
 edbcopy | dept    | table | enterprisedb | 8192 bytes |
 edbcopy | emp     | table | enterprisedb | 8192 bytes |
 edbcopy | jobhist | table | enterprisedb | 8192 bytes |
(3 rows)

edb=# \dv
         List of relations
 Schema  |   Name   | Type |    Owner
 edbcopy | salesemp | view | enterprisedb
(1 row)

edb=# \di
                 List of relations
 Schema  |     Name      | Type  |    Owner     |  Table
 edbcopy | dept_dname_uq | index | enterprisedb | dept
 edbcopy | dept_pk       | index | enterprisedb | dept
 edbcopy | emp_pk        | index | enterprisedb | emp
 edbcopy | jobhist_pk    | index | enterprisedb | jobhist
(4 rows)

edb=# \ds
            List of relations
 Schema  |    Name    |   Type   |    Owner
 edbcopy | next_empno | sequence | enterprisedb
(1 row)

edb=# SELECT DISTINCT schema_name, name, type FROM user_source WHERE
schema_name = 'EDBCOPY' ORDER BY type, name;
 schema_name |              name              |     type
 EDBCOPY     | EMP_COMP                       | FUNCTION
 EDBCOPY     | HIRE_CLERK                     | FUNCTION
 EDBCOPY     | HIRE_SALESMAN                  | FUNCTION
 EDBCOPY     | NEW_EMPNO                      | FUNCTION
 EDBCOPY     | EMP_ADMIN                      | PACKAGE
 EDBCOPY     | EMP_ADMIN                      | PACKAGE BODY
 EDBCOPY     | EMP_QUERY                      | PROCEDURE
 EDBCOPY     | LIST_EMP                       | PROCEDURE
 EDBCOPY     | SELECT_EMP                     | PROCEDURE
 EDBCOPY     | EMP_SAL_TRIG                   | TRIGGER
 EDBCOPY     | "RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_19991" | TRIGGER
 EDBCOPY     | "RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_19992" | TRIGGER
 EDBCOPY     | "RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_19999" | TRIGGER
 EDBCOPY     | "RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_20000" | TRIGGER
 EDBCOPY     | "RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_20004" | TRIGGER
 EDBCOPY     | "RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_20005" | TRIGGER
 EDBCOPY     | "RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_19993" | TRIGGER
 EDBCOPY     | "RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_19994" | TRIGGER
 EDBCOPY     | "RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_20001" | TRIGGER
 EDBCOPY     | "RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_20002" | TRIGGER
 EDBCOPY     | "RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_20006" | TRIGGER
 EDBCOPY     | "RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_20007" | TRIGGER
 EDBCOPY     | USER_AUDIT_TRIG                | TRIGGER
(24 rows)


The localcopyschema_nb function copies a schema and its database objects in a local database specified in the source_fdw foreign server from the source schema to the specified target schema in the same database. The copy occurs in a non-blocking manner as a job submitted to pgAgent.

  <source_fdw> TEXT,
  <source> TEXT,
  <target> TEXT,
  <log_filename> TEXT
  [, <on_tblspace> BOOLEAN
  [, <verbose_on> BOOLEAN
  [, <copy_acls> BOOLEAN
  [, <worker_count> INTEGER ]]]]

The function returns an INTEGER value job ID for the job submitted to pgAgent. If the function fails, then null is returned.

The source_fdw, source, target, and log_filename parameters are required. All other parameters are optional.

After the pgAgent job completes, remove it with the remove_log_file_and_job function.



Name of the foreign server managed by the postgres_fdw foreign data wrapper from which to clone database objects.


Name of the schema from which to clone database objects.


Name of the schema into which to clone database objects from the source schema.


Name of the log file in which to record information from the function. The log file is created under the directory specified by the log_directory configuration parameter in the postgresql.conf file.


Boolean value to specify whether to create database objects in their tablespaces. If false, then the TABLESPACE clause isn't included in the applicable CREATE DDL statement when added to the target schema. If true, then the TABLESPACE clause is included in the CREATE DDL statement when added to the target schema. The default value is false.


Boolean value to specify whether to print the DDLs in log_filename when creating objects in the target schema. If false, then DDLs aren't printed. If true, then DDLs are printed. The default value is false.


Boolean value to specify whether to include the access control list (ACL) while creating objects in the target schema. The access control list is the set of GRANT privilege statements. If false, then the access control list isn't included for the target schema. If true, then the access control list is included for the target schema. The default value is false.


Number of background workers to perform the clone in parallel. The default value is 1.


The same cloning operation is performed as the example in localcopyschema but using the non-blocking function localcopyschema_nb.

You can use this command to see whether pgAgent is running on the appropriate local database:

[root@localhost ~]# ps -ef | grep pgagent
root       4518      1  0 11:35 pts/1    00:00:00 pgagent -s /tmp/pgagent_edb_log 
hostaddr= port=5444 dbname=edb user=enterprisedb password=password
root       4525   4399  0 11:35 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=auto pgagent

If pgAgent isn't running, you can start it as shown by the following. The pgagent program file is located in the bin subdirectory of the EDB Postgres Advanced Server installation directory.

[root@localhost bin]# ./pgagent -l 2 -s /tmp/pgagent_edb_log hostaddr= port=5444 
dbname=edb user=enterprisedb password=password

The pgagent -l 2 option starts pgAgent in DEBUG mode, which logs continuous debugging information into the log file specified with the -s option. Use a lower value for the -l option, or omit it entirely to record less information.

The localcopyschema_nb function returns the job ID shown as 4 in the example.

edb=# SELECT edb_util.localcopyschema_nb ('local_server','edb','edbcopy','clone_edb_edbcopy');
(1 row)

The following displays the job status:

edb=# SELECT edb_util.process_status_from_log('clone_edb_edbcopy');
 (FINISH,"29-JUN-17 11:39:11.620093 -04:00",4618,INFO,"STAGE: FINAL","successfully cloned schema")
(1 row)

The following removes the pgAgent job:

edb=# SELECT edb_util.remove_log_file_and_job (4);
(1 row)


The remotecopyschema function copies a schema and its database objects from a source schema in the remote source database specified in the source_fdw foreign server to a target schema in the local target database specified in the target_fdw foreign server:

  <source_fdw> TEXT,
  <target_fdw> TEXT,
  <source_schema> TEXT,
  <target_schema> TEXT,
  <log_filename> TEXT
  [, <on_tblspace> BOOLEAN
  [, <verbose_on> BOOLEAN
  [, <copy_acls> BOOLEAN
  [, <worker_count> INTEGER ]]]]

The function returns a Boolean value. If the function succeeds, then true is returned. If the function fails, then false is returned.

The source_fdw, target_fdw, source_schema, target_schema, and log_filename are required parameters. All other parameters are optional.



Name of the foreign server managed by the postgres_fdw foreign data wrapper from which to clone database objects.


Name of the foreign server managed by the postgres_fdw foreign data wrapper to which to clone database objects.


Name of the schema from which to clone database objects.


Name of the schema into which to clone database objects from the source schema.


Name of the log file in which information from the function is recorded. The log file is created under the directory specified by the log_directory configuration parameter in the postgresql.conf file.


Boolean value to specify whether to create database objects in their tablespaces. If false, then the TABLESPACE clause isn't included in the applicable CREATE DDL statement when added to the target schema. If true, then the TABLESPACE clause is included in the CREATE DDL statement when added to the target schema. The default value is false.


If you specify true and a database object has a TABLESPACE clause, the tablespace must exist in the target database cluseter. Otherwise, the cloning function fails.


Boolean value to specify whether to print the DDLs in log_filename when creating objects in the target schema. If false, then DDLs aren't printed. If true, then DDLs are printed. The default value is false.


Boolean value to specify whether to include the access control list (ACL) while creating objects in the target schema. The access control list is the set of GRANT privilege statements. If false, then the access control list isn't included for the target schema. If true, then the access control list is included for the target schema. The default value is false.


If you specify true, a role with GRANT privilege must exist in the target database cluster. Otherwise, the cloning function fails.


Number of background workers to perform the clone in parallel. The default value is 1.


This example shows cloning schema srcschema in database srcdb (as defined by src_server) to target schema tgtschema in database tgtdb (as defined by tgt_server).

The source server environment:

  • Host on which the source database server is running:
  • Port of the source database server: 5444
  • Database source of the clone: srcdb
  • Foreign server (src_server) and user mapping with the information of the preceding bullet points
  • Source schema: srcschema

The target server environment:

  • Host on which the target database server is running: localhost
  • Port of the target database server: 5444
  • Database target of the clone: tgtdb
  • Foreign server (tgt_server) and user mapping with the information of the preceding bullet points
  • Target schema: tgtschema
  • Database user to invoke remotecopyschema: enterprisedb

Before invoking the function, the connection database user enterprisedb connects to database tgtdb. A worker_count of 4 is specified for this function.

tgtdb=# SELECT edb_util.remotecopyschema
('src_server','tgt_server','srcschema','tgtschema','clone_rmt_src_tgt',worker_count => 4);
(1 row)

The following displays the status from the log file during various points in the cloning process:

tgtdb=# SELECT edb_util.process_status_from_log('clone_rmt_src_tgt');

 (RUNNING,"28-JUN-17 13:18:05.299953 -04:00",4021,INFO,"STAGE: DATA-COPY","[0][0] successfully 
 copied data in [tgtschema.pgbench_tellers]
 (1 row)

tgtdb=# SELECT edb_util.process_status_from_log('clone_rmt_src_tgt');

 (RUNNING,"28-JUN-17 13:18:06.634364 -04:00",4022,INFO,"STAGE: DATA-COPY","[0][1] successfully 
 copied data in [tgtschema.pgbench_history]
 (1 row)

tgtdb=# SELECT edb_util.process_status_from_log('clone_rmt_src_tgt');

 (RUNNING,"28-JUN-17 13:18:10.550393 -04:00",4039,INFO,"STAGE: POST-DATA","CREATE PRIMARY KEY 
 CONSTRAINT pgbench_tellers_pkey successful"
 (1 row)

tgtdb=# SELECT edb_util.process_status_from_log('clone_rmt_src_tgt');
 (FINISH,"28-JUN-17 13:18:12.019627 -04:00",4039,INFO,"STAGE: FINAL","successfully clone 
 schema into tgtschema")
 (1 row)

The following shows the cloned tables:

tgtdb=# \dt+
                             List of relations
  Schema   |       Name       | Type  |    Owner     |    Size    | Description
 tgtschema | pgbench_accounts | table | enterprisedb | 256 MB     |
 tgtschema | pgbench_branches | table | enterprisedb | 8192 bytes |
 tgtschema | pgbench_history  | table | enterprisedb | 25 MB      |
 tgtschema | pgbench_tellers  | table | enterprisedb | 16 kB      |
(4 rows)

When the remotecopyschema function was invoked, four background workers were specified.

The following portion of the log file clone_rmt_src_tgt shows the status of the parallel data copying operation using four background workers:

Wed Jun 28 13:18:05.232949 2017 EDT: [4019] INFO: [STAGE: DATA-COPY] [0] table count [4]
Wed Jun 28 13:18:05.233321 2017 EDT: [4019] INFO: [STAGE: DATA-COPY] [0][0] worker started to
copy data
Wed Jun 28 13:18:05.233640 2017 EDT: [4019] INFO: [STAGE: DATA-COPY] [0][1] worker started to
copy data
Wed Jun 28 13:18:05.233919 2017 EDT: [4019] INFO: [STAGE: DATA-COPY] [0][2] worker started to
copy data
Wed Jun 28 13:18:05.234231 2017 EDT: [4019] INFO: [STAGE: DATA-COPY] [0][3] worker started to
copy data
Wed Jun 28 13:18:05.298174 2017 EDT: [4024] INFO: [STAGE: DATA-COPY] [0][3] successfully
copied data in [tgtschema.pgbench_branches]
Wed Jun 28 13:18:05.299913 2017 EDT: [4021] INFO: [STAGE: DATA-COPY] [0][0] successfully
copied data in [tgtschema.pgbench_tellers]
Wed Jun 28 13:18:06.634310 2017 EDT: [4022] INFO: [STAGE: DATA-COPY] [0][1] successfully
copied data in [tgtschema.pgbench_history]
Wed Jun 28 13:18:10.477333 2017 EDT: [4023] INFO: [STAGE: DATA-COPY] [0][2] successfully
copied data in [tgtschema.pgbench_accounts]
Wed Jun 28 13:18:10.477609 2017 EDT: [4019] INFO: [STAGE: DATA-COPY] [0] all workers finished
Wed Jun 28 13:18:10.477654 2017 EDT: [4019] INFO: [STAGE: DATA-COPY] [0] copy done [4] tables
Wed Jun 28 13:18:10.493938 2017 EDT: [4019] INFO: [STAGE: DATA-COPY] successfully copied data
into tgtschema

The DATA-COPY log message includes two square-bracket numbers, for example, [0][3]. The first number is the job index. The second number is the worker index. The worker index values range from 0 to 3 for the four background workers.

In case two clone schema jobs are running in parallel, the first log file has 0 as the job index, and the second has 1 as the job index.


The remotecopyschema_nb function copies a schema and its database objects from a source schema in the remote source database specified in the source_fdw foreign server to a target schema in the local target database specified in the target_fdw foreign server. Copying occurs in a non-blocking manner as a job submitted to pgAgent.

  <source_fdw> TEXT,
  <target_fdw> TEXT,
  <source> TEXT,
  <target> TEXT,
  <log_filename> TEXT
  [, <on_tblspace> BOOLEAN
  [, <verbose_on> BOOLEAN
  [, <copy_acls> BOOLEAN
  [, <worker_count> INTEGER ]]]]

The function returns an INTEGER value job ID for the job submitted to pgAgent. If the function fails, then null is returned.

The source_fdw, target_fdw, source, target, and log_filename parameters are required. All other parameters are optional.

After the pgAgent job is complete, remove it with the remove_log_file_and_job function.



Name of the foreign server managed by the postgres_fdw foreign data wrapper from which to clone database objects.


Name of the foreign server managed by the postgres_fdw foreign data wrapper to which to clone database objects.


Name of the schema from which to clone database objects.


Name of the schema into which to clone database objects from the source schema.


Name of the log file in which to record information from the function. The log file is created under the directory specified by the log_directory configuration parameter in the postgresql.conf file.


Boolean value to specify whether to create database objects in their tablespaces. If false, then the TABLESPACE clause isn't included in the applicable CREATE DDL statement when added to the target schema. If true, then the TABLESPACE clause is included in the CREATE DDL statement when added to the target schema. The default value is false.


If you specify true is specified and a database object has a TABLESPACE clause, that tablespace must exist in the target database cluster. Otherwise, the cloning function fails.


Boolean value to specify whether to print the DDLs in log_filename when creating objects in the target schema. If false, then DDLs aren't printed. If true, then DDLs are printed. The default value is false.


Boolean value to specify whether to include the access control list (ACL) while creating objects in the target schema. The access control list is the set of GRANT privilege statements. If false, then the access control list isn't included for the target schema. If true, then the access control list is included for the target schema. The default value is false.


If you specify true, a role with GRANT privilege must exist in the target database cluster. Otherwise the cloning function fails.


Number of background workers to perform the clone in parallel. The default value is 1.


The same cloning operation is performed as the example in remotecopyschema but using the non-blocking function remotecopyschema_nb.

The following command starts pgAgent on the target database tgtdb. The pgagent program file is located in the bin subdirectory of the EDB Postgres Advanced Server installation directory.

[root@localhost bin]# ./pgagent -l 1 -s /tmp/pgagent_tgtdb_log hostaddr= port=5444 
user=enterprisedb dbname=tgtdb password=password

The remotecopyschema_nb function returns the job ID shown as 2 in the example:

tgtdb=# SELECT edb_util.remotecopyschema_nb
('src_server','tgt_server','srcschema','tgtschema','clone_rmt_src_tgt',worker_count => 4);
(1 row)

The following shows the completed status of the job:

tgtdb=# SELECT edb_util.process_status_from_log('clone_rmt_src_tgt');
 (FINISH,"29-JUN-17 current:16:00.100284 -04:00",3849,INFO,"STAGE: FINAL","successfully clone schema into tgtschema")
(1 row)

The following removes the log file and the pgAgent job:

tgtdb=# SELECT edb_util.remove_log_file_and_job ('clone_rmt_src_tgt',2);
(1 row)


The process_status_from_log function provides the status of a cloning function from its log file:

process_status_from_log (
  <log_file> TEXT

The function returns the following fields from the log file:

Field nameDescription
statusDisplays either STARTING, RUNNING, FINISH, or FAILED.
execution_timeWhen the command was executed. Displayed in timestamp format.
pidSession process ID in which clone schema is getting called.
levelDisplays either INFO, ERROR, or SUCCESSFUL.
messageInformation respective to each command or failure.



Name of the log file recording the cloning of a schema as specified when the cloning function was invoked.


The following shows the use of the process_status_from_log function:

edb=# SELECT edb_util.process_status_from_log('clone_edb_edbcopy');
 (FINISH,"26-JUN-17 11:57:03.214458 -04:00",3691,INFO,"STAGE: FINAL","successfully cloned schema")
(1 row)


The remove_log_file_and_job function performs cleanup tasks by removing the log files created by the schema cloning functions and the jobs created by the non-blocking functions.

remove_log_file_and_job (
  { <log_file> TEXT |
    <job_id> INTEGER |
    <log_file> TEXT, <job_id> INTEGER

You can specify values for either or both of the two parameters when invoking the remove_log_file_and_job function:

  • If you specify only log_file, then the function removes only the log file.
  • If you specify only job_id, then the function removes only the job.
  • If you specify both, then the function removes only the log file and the job.



Name of the log file to remove.


Job ID of the job to remove.


This example removes only the log file, given the log file name:

edb=# SELECT edb_util.remove_log_file_and_job ('clone_edb_edbcopy');
(1 row)

This example removes only the job, given the job ID:

edb=# SELECT edb_util.remove_log_file_and_job (3);
(1 row)

This example removes the log file and the job, given both values:

tgtdb=# SELECT edb_util.remove_log_file_and_job ('clone_rmt_src_tgt',2);
(1 row)

Cloning schema as a non-superuser

You can clone the schema as a non-superuser. These two functions are created while creating the extension:

  • GRANT_CLONE_SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES Grants the privileges to clone the schema to a non-superuser.
  • REVOKE_CLONE_SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES Revokes the privileges to clone the schema from a non-superuser.


This function grants the clone schema privileges to a non-superuser.


GRANT_CLONE_SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES(<user_name> TEXT, [<allow_remote_schema_clone> BOOLEAN], [<print_commands> BOOLEAN])


Name of the user to grant local cloning privileges to.


Optionally, provide a Boolean value to this parameter to control remote cloning by the user. By default, the value is false. The true value grants the user the privileges to do remote cloning.


Optionally, provide a Boolean value to this parameter to control whether executed commands print on the terminal. By default, the value is false. The true value prints the executed commands on the terminal.

This example shows how to grant a non-superuser ec2-user the privileges for local and remote cloning:

SELECT edb_util.grant_clone_schema(user_name => 'ec2-user',
                                   allow_remote_schema => true,
                                   print_commands => true);
INFO:  Executed command: GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA edb_util TO "ec2-user"
INFO:  Executed command: GRANT pg_read_all_settings TO "ec2-user"
INFO:  Executed command: GRANT EXECUTE ON PACKAGE SYS.UTL_FILE TO "ec2-user"
INFO:  Executed command: GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_stat_file(text) TO "ec2-user"
INFO:  Executed command: GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_read_file(text, bigint, bigint) TO "ec2-user"
INFO:  Executed command: GRANT SELECT ON pg_authid TO "ec2-user"
INFO:  Executed command: GRANT SELECT ON pg_user_mapping TO "ec2-user"
INFO:  Executed command: GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION dblink_connect_u(text, text) TO "ec2-user"
INFO:  Executed command: GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION dblink(text, text) TO "ec2-user"
INFO:  Executed command: GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_file_write(text, text, boolean) TO "ec2-user"
INFO:  Executed command: GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw TO "ec2-user"
│ grant_clone_schema_privileges │
│ t                             │
(1 row)


This function revokes the clone schema privileges from a non-superuser.


revoke_clone_schema_privileges(<user_name> TEXT[, <revoke_remote_schema> BOOLEAN][,<print_commands> BOOLEAN])


Name of the user to revoke the cloning privileges from.


Optionally, provide a Boolean value to this parameter to control the remote cloning by the user. By default, the value is false. The true value revokes the remote cloning privileges from the user.


Optionally, provide a Boolean value to this parameter to control whether executed commands print on the terminal. By default the value is false. The true value prints the executed commands on the terminal.

This example shows how to revoke cloning privileges from the ec2-user user.

SELECT edb_util.revoke_clone_schema_privileges(user_name => 'ec2-user',
                                              revoke_remote_schema_clone => true,
                                              print_commands => true);
INFO:  Revoked USAGE on schema edb_util from ec2-user.
INFO:  Revoked pg_read_all_settings from ec2-user.
INFO:  Revoked EXECUTE on package SYS.UTL_FILE from ec2-user.
INFO:  Revoked EXECUTE on function pg_catalog.pg_stat_file(text) from ec2-user.
INFO:  Revoked EXECUTE on function pg_catalog.pg_read_file(text, bigint, bigint) from ec2-user.
INFO:  Revoked SELECT on pg_authid from ec2-user.
INFO:  Revoked SELECT on pg_user_mapping from ec2-user.
INFO:  Revoked EXECUTE on function dblink_connect_u(text, text) from ec2-user.
INFO:  Revoked EXECUTE on function dblink(text, text) from ec2-user.
INFO:  Revoked EXECUTE on function pg_catalog.pg_file_write(text, text, boolean) from ec2-user.
INFO:  Revoked USAGE on foreign data wrapper postgres_fdw from ec2-user.
│ revoke_clone_schema_privileges │
│ t                              │
(1 row)

Example: Clone a schema locally as a non-superuser

Create a non-superuser named forcs:

CREATE USER forcs PASSWORD `abc123`;

Give CREATE privileges on the edb database to forcs:

GRANT CREATE on DATABASE edb to forcs;

Create the following extensions:

CREATE EXTENSION postgres_fdw;
CREATE EXTENSION parallel_clone;
CREATE EXTENSION edb_cloneschema;

Create the log directory for cloning:

SELECT edb_util.create_clone_log_dir();
(1 row)

Give the clone schema privilege to forcs:

SELECT edb_util.grant_clone_schema_privileges('forcs', true, true);
INFO:  Granted USAGE on schema edb_util to forcs.
INFO:  Granted CREATE on schema edb_util to forcs.
INFO:  Granted pg_read_all_settings to forcs.
INFO:  Granted EXECUTE on package SYS.UTL_FILE to forcs.
INFO:  Granted EXECUTE on function pg_catalog.pg_stat_file(text) to forcs.
INFO:  Granted EXECUTE on function pg_catalog.pg_read_file(text, bigint, bigint) to forcs.
INFO:  Granted SELECT on pg_authid to forcs.
INFO:  Granted SELECT on pg_user_mapping to forcs.
INFO:  Granted EXECUTE on function dblink_connect_u(text, text) to forcs.
INFO:  Granted EXECUTE on function dblink(text, text) to forcs.
INFO:  Granted EXECUTE on function pg_catalog.pg_file_write(text, text, boolean) to forcs.
INFO:  Granted USAGE on foreign data wrapper postgres_fdw to forcs.
(1 row)

Connect to the edb database as forcs:

edb-psql -h -p 6543 -U forcs edb
Password for user forcs: 
edb-psql (13.17.23)
Type "help" for help.

Create a foreign server and a user mapping:

CREATE SERVER local_postgres_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw OPTIONS (host '', port '6543', dbname 'edb');
CREATE USER MAPPING FOR forcs SERVER local_postgres_server OPTIONS (user 'forcs', password 'abc123');

Create a sample schema and tables:

SET search_path=src, public, "$user$";
CREATE TABLE t1 AS (SELECT generate_series(1,100000));
CREATE TABLE t2 AS (SELECT generate_series(1,100000));
CREATE TABLE t3 AS (SELECT generate_series(1,100000));
CREATE TABLE t4 AS (SELECT generate_series(1,100000));
SELECT 100000
SELECT 100000
SELECT 100000
SELECT 100000

Clone the schema locally:

select edb_util.localcopyschema('local_postgres_server','src','src2','src2_log',true,true,true,4);
(1 row)

Example: Clone a schema remotely as a non-superuser

Create a non-superuser named forcs:

CREATE USER forcs password `abc123`;

Create the following extensions:

CREATE EXTENSION postgres_fdw;
CREATE EXTENSION parallel_clone;
CREATE EXTENSION edb_cloneschema;

Create the log directory for cloning:

SELECT edb_util.create_clone_log_dir();
(1 row)

Give the clone schema privileges to the non-superuser forcs:

SELECT edb_util.grant_clone_schema_privileges('forcs', true, true);
INFO:  Granted USAGE on schema edb_util to forcs.
INFO:  Granted CREATE on schema edb_util to forcs.
INFO:  Granted pg_read_all_settings to forcs.
INFO:  Granted EXECUTE on package SYS.UTL_FILE to forcs.
INFO:  Granted EXECUTE on function pg_catalog.pg_stat_file(text) to forcs.
INFO:  Granted EXECUTE on function pg_catalog.pg_read_file(text, bigint, bigint) to forcs.
INFO:  Granted SELECT on pg_authid to forcs.
INFO:  Granted SELECT on pg_user_mapping to forcs.
INFO:  Granted EXECUTE on function dblink_connect_u(text, text) to forcs.
INFO:  Granted EXECUTE on function dblink(text, text) to forcs.
INFO:  Granted EXECUTE on function pg_catalog.pg_file_write(text, text, boolean) to forcs.
INFO:  Granted USAGE on foreign data wrapper postgres_fdw to forcs.
(1 row)

Connect to the edb database as forcs:

edb-psql -h -p 4422 -U forcs edb
Password for user forcs: 
edb-psql (13.17.23)
Type "help" for help.

Create a foreign server and user mapping in the target database:

CREATE SERVER local_postgres_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw OPTIONS (host '', port '4422', dbname 'edb');
CREATE USER MAPPING FOR forcs SERVER local_postgres_server OPTIONS (user 'forcs', password 'abc123');

Create a foreign server and user mapping in the source database:

CREATE SERVER src_postgres_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw OPTIONS (host '', port '6543', dbname 'edb');
CREATE USER MAPPING FOR forcs SERVER src_postgres_server OPTIONS (user 'forcs', password 'abc123');

Clone the schema from source to target database using the remotecopyschema function:

select edb_util.remotecopyschema('src_postgres_server','local_postgres_server','src','src','src_log',true,true,true,4);
(1 row)