Failover Manager 4.0 release notes v5

Released: 02 Sep 2021

Enhancements, bug fixes, and other changes in EFM 4.0 include:

EnhancementProperties were renamed. See the table that follows for details. If you use the upgrade utility to upgrade your Failover Manager installation, they are automatically updated.
EnhancementThe property value for the encrypted database password needs to be updated to meet the new hashing algorithm. The upgrade tool will make the required changes. When creating the properties file manually, you can use the standard procedure for encrypting the password instead.
EnhancementEncryption for database password was improved. Encryption was also enabled for communication between the agents.
EnhancementStandby servers are no longer stopped while selecting the new primary. This enhancement significantly speeds up the promotion process.
EnhancementTo be consistent with community naming guidelines, the term "master" was replaced with "primary" in the Failover Manager product and documentation. The upgrade-conf tool handles the task of renaming the impacted properties post upgrade. The load balancer scripts such as script.load.balancer.attach, script.load.balancer.detach now accept the character p instead of m as an argument.
EnhancementSupport was added to delay the restart of standbys after a promotion. You can increase the availability by staggering the restart of standbys.
Bug FixDocumentation was updated to aid users who use tmpfs mount points for /var/run and /var/lock [Support Ticket #977437]
Bug FixAn IDLE agent will attempt to resume monitoring when other agents can reach its database. [Support Ticket #1001533]

EFM properties changes

Former nameNew name

If you're using a load balancer script, the ‘%t’ placeholder is replaced with p for primary rather than m.