Using the efm utility v5

Failover Manager provides the efm utility to assist with cluster management. The RPM installer adds the utility to the /usr/edb/efm-5.<x>/bin directory when you install Failover Manager.

efm allow-node

efm allow-node <cluster_name> <address>

Invoke the efm allow-node command to allow the specified node to join the cluster. When invoking the command, provide the name of the cluster and the IP address of the joining node.

This command must be invoked by efm, a member of the efm group, or root.

efm disallow-node

efm disallow-node <cluster_name> <address>

Invoke the efm disallow-node command to remove the specified node from the allowed hosts list and prevent the node from joining a cluster. Provide the name of the cluster and the address of the node when calling the efm disallow-node command. This command must be invoked by efm, a member of the efm group, or root.


If you removed the node from the cluster and aren't planning to add it again, you can use the efm reset-members command instead.

efm cluster-status

efm cluster-status <cluster_name>

Invoke the efm cluster-status command to display the status of a Failover Manager cluster. For more information about the status report, see Monitoring a Failover Manager cluster.

efm cluster-status-json

efm cluster-status-json <cluster_name>

Invoke the efm cluster-status-json command to display the status of a Failover Manager cluster in JSON format. While the format of the displayed information is different from the display generated by the efm cluster-status command, the information source is the same.

The following example is generated by querying the status of a healthy cluster with three nodes:

    "nodes": {
        "": {
            "type": "Witness",
            "db": "N\/A",
            "vip": "",
            "vip_active": false
        "": {
            "type": "Primary",
            "db": "UP",
            "vip": "",
            "vip_active  :   false"
            "lsnReceive :   0/14001478"
            "lsn    :   0/14001478"
            "lsnInfo    :"
        "": {
            "type": "Standby",
            "db": "UP",
            "vip": "",
            "vip_active  :   false"
            "lsnReceive :   0/14001478"
            "lsn    :   0/14001478"
            "lsnInfo    :"
    "allowednodes": [
    "membershipcoordinator": "",
    "failoverpriority": [
    "minimumstandbys": 0,
    "missingnodes": [],
    "messages": []

efm encrypt

efm encrypt <cluster_name> [--from-env]

Invoke the efm encrypt command to encrypt the database password before including the password in the cluster properties file. Include the --from-env option to instruct Failover Manager to use the value specified in the EFMPASS environment variable and execute without user input. For more information, see Encrypting your database password.

efm promote

efm promote cluster_name [-switchover [-sourcenode <address>][-quiet][-noscripts]

The efm promote command instructs Failover Manager to perform a manual failover of standby to primary.

Attempt a manual promotion only during a maintenance window for your database cluster and if the status command reports that all standbys in the cluster are up to date with the primary.

Include the –switchover clause to promote a standby node and reconfigure a primary node as a standby node. Include the -sourcenode keyword, and specify a node address to indicate the node whose recovery settings to copy to the old primary node, which makes it a standby. Include the -quiet keyword to suppress notifications during the switchover process. Include the -noscripts keyword to instruct Failover Manager not to invoke fencing or post-promotion scripts.

This command must be invoked by efm, a member of the efm group, or root.


This command instructs the service to ignore the value specified in the auto.failover parameter in the cluster properties file.

efm reset-members

efm reset-members <cluster_name>

Invoke the efm reset-members command to remove cached node addresses from a Failover Manager cluster. Run this command after a node is permanently removed from the cluster to prevent the cluster from trying to connect to the removed node's address. Running this command does the following on each node in the cluster:

  1. Resets the addresses in the .nodes file to the current cluster members. This occurs even if the stable.nodes.file property is set to true.

  2. Updates the Allowed Node host list to include only the current members.

  3. Disconnects all agents from each other briefly and then reconnects.

Running databases aren't affected by this operation. After the operation completes, you might need to update the standby priority list. See the efm set-priority command for more information.

efm resume

efm resume <cluster_name>

Invoke the efm resume command to resume monitoring a previously stopped database. This command must be invoked by efm, a member of the efm group, or root.

efm set-priority

efm set-priority <cluster_name> <address> <priority>

Invoke the efm set-priority command to assign a failover priority to a standby node. The value specifies the order in which to use the node in the event of a failover. This command must be invoked by efm, a member of the efm group, or root.

Use the priority option to specify the place for the node in the priority list. For example, specify a value of 1 to indicate that the node is the primary standby and will be the first node promoted in the event of a failover. A priority value of 0 instructs Failover Manager not to promote the standby.

efm stop-cluster

efm stop-cluster <cluster_name>

Invoke the efm stop-cluster command to stop Failover Manager on all nodes. This command instructs Failover Manager to connect to each node on the cluster and instruct the existing members to shut down. The command has no effect on running databases, but when the command completes, there's no failover protection in place.


When you invoke the efm stop-cluster command, all authorized node information is removed from the Allowed Node host list.

This command must be invoked by efm, a member of the efm group, or root.

efm upgrade-conf

efm upgrade-conf <cluster_name> [-source <directory>]

Invoke the efm upgrade-conf command to copy the configuration files from an existing Failover Manager installation and add parameters required by a Failover Manager installation. Provide the name of the previous cluster when invoking the utility. This command must be invoked with superuser privileges if you're running Failover Manager in the default mode.

For information on the optional -source flag, or if you're upgrading from a Failover Manager configuration that doesn't use sudo, see Upgrading Failover Manager.

efm node-status-json

efm node-status-json <cluster_name>

Invoke the efm node-status-json command to display the status of a local node in JSON format. A successful execution of this command returns 0 as its exit code. In case of a database failure or an agent status becoming IDLE, the command returns 1 as exit code.

The following is an example output of the efm node-status-json command:


efm --help

efm --help

Invoke the efm --help command to display online help for the Failover Manager utility commands.